Saturday, January 21, 2012

Positive Effects of Fungi

Fungi use the decomposition process for food and, in the process, return nutrients to the soil, benefiting other living things. Fungi are the basis of many important medicines. The discovery of the antibiotic properties of the fungus penicillin changed medical history, reducing formerly serious infections such as strep to little more than minor nuisances. Some cancer drugs and the anti-rejection drug cyclosporin, which is used in organ transplant patients, come from fungi. Fermentation is another way fungi break down organic matter. In the fermentation process, yeasts break down sugars and produce a waste product. In the case of grain and grapes, the waste product is alcohol. Fermentation is also used to produce cheese. In industrial settings, fermentation also produces ethanol (alcohol used as fuel), various acids and biological detergents. Many species of mushrooms are edible and provide a food source for humans and animals. Yeast also is used in baking to make bread rise. In essence, fungi is used by nature as a natual recycler as well as many other useful features by people.

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