Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hot Zone

What fascinated me the most about hot zone was the Ebola virus. It is extremely scary how deadly this virus is. You can be infected with four to five particles of the virus because of its rapid multiplying rate. The symptoms of the virus were all extremely disgusting. Some symptoms include dry heaves, black vomit, eyes weeping blood, organs liquifying, kidney failure, etc.  In less than a week, you will most likely die if you have the virus. In addition to having a 50% mortality rate, is is also highly contagious. Another thing that surprised me was that such a disease like this was nearly unknown to the general population. Seeing as how there is no cure for this virus, it was shocking and ridiculously ironic because of the careless way many people were handling this hot agent. Above all however, what makes the hot zone really terrifying is the fact how this virus actually exists in reality, with all the recorded events being true incidents.

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